Tuesday, July 17, 2012

They made a movie about me...

Have you seen Pixar's "Brave" yet?  I'm pretty sure they based the looks of the main character, Merida,  on myself as a younger lass.  Ok, mostly just the hair.  And maybe, slightly, the eye color.  But hey, after a lifetime of seeing blondes and brunettes get all the hair glory in Disney films (the Little Mermaid doesn't count, because, really? How could I identify with that perfection of a mane?), there is finally one I could relate to.  I thought I'd give photo documentation to prove it.  The movie has me seriously considering growing my hair out, again.  We'll see how long I can stand it.

Merida, from Pixar's "Brave"
Shaine, age four-ish

See?  The resemblance is uncanny. :-)

1 comment:

Jen said...

The whole time we were watching that movie, I was thinking about you and your impending little girl. She will now have to have all things Merida you know. ;)