Monday, June 24, 2013

lake tahoe

this past week, we embarked on a camping trip to lake tahoe with the entire athey clan.  it began with good intentions, but, when even kevin calls a camping trip "hell week," you know all isn't well in nature-land.  tahoe was gorgeous, we went on some pretty great tours of a couple historic houses (ehrman mansion and vikingsholm), and had a delightful time around the campfire.  the days were nice, but the nights.  oh, the nights were horrid.  freezing temperatures and lily could not sleep unless one of us was holding her.  needless to say, we did not sleep.  at all.  it was a horrible thing.  in addition, lily got sick from her cousin.  again.  by thursday night, we were done and packed it in a day early.  we are not camping again until lily is five.  still, some good times were had.

(i'd post some photos of our adventures and such, but they were all mysteriously deleted when i tried to upload them to the computer.  i am super bummed about that fact.  i had some good ones.)

Sunday, June 9, 2013


last week, lily and i embarked on an adventure and flew to scottsdale, az, to visit my aunt and uncle at camp solstice (what they call their house).  lily handled the flight and the week like a champ.  my girl is a traveler and i could not be more proud.  it was a very relaxing week and a very fun time was had by all.  i can't wait to go back.

first airplane ride!
my dad made this sign for my aunt and uncle's house!

my sil with molly & cooper, the most adorable dogs ever (after maggie, of course).

lily just loved running around the house on the tile floors.  they fascinated her. 

i was able to visit taliesen west, frank lloyd wrights house in az.  it was so amazing. 

what i drove around for the week. 

my sil, kerry, found a dunkin' donuts and was extremely happy.  apparently they have amazing coffee, but don't exist in california. 

did you see this episode of kitchen nightmares?  if not, watch, and you will see why my brother had us find and take a photo of this place.  

lily is a water baby.  

the front of camp solstice.  i'm a sucker for architectural details.  

heading home.  she's a pro at this traveling thing now.  

Sunday, June 2, 2013

the lily chronicles

lily had her nine-month well-check a month ago.  i know, i know, i'm behind in updating her growth for your information and my own little family blog history (but at least i'm getting it on here before she officially turns 10 months.  it's the little things.).  but without further ado, i present the growth of miss lily marie!

weight: 19 lbs, 14 oz (75th percentile)
height: 2'5" or 29" (92nd percentile)
head circumference: 17.52" (68th percentile)

in other milestones, lily is full on walking (she rarely crawls at all), waves, says "doggy," "hey," and "hi," has four teeth cutting in, and puts herself to bed.  she fusses, rubs her eyes, and walks over to us, so i pick her up and lay her in her crib.  she then just lays there holding her stuffed lamb until she falls asleep.  it's marvelous.

lily is becoming an independent baby instead of a lay-there-lump-of-infant, and it is (usually) fun to watch.  maggie, however, would disagree.