Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wedding Shopping

Wedding planning and implementation is exhausting. But it is also pretty fun. My dad came down from Eureka yesterday, and we spent most of today running around getting stuff for the wedding and making a plan of attack for decorating for the reception. It is always a good time hanging out with my dad, and I'm very grateful he and mom are the decorators that they are. Dad had some great ideas today, and it is fun wandering around a hardware store watching him get inspired by all the possibilities. So everything is exhausting, but Dad is helping make it fun. Mom and I are going to run around a little tomorrow, and are going to have a great time together, like we always do. I love my parents, and they are helping make this day fabulous!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

'Tis the Season?

I went into a salon the other day to get a little wax work done on myself, and they had Christmas music playing! What the heck? I listend to Little Drummer Boy and the Christmas Shoe Song. I like Christmas music, at the appropriate time of the season. Like, after December 1st. And really, the Christmas Shoe song is bad enough during the Christmas season. It should not be inflicted upon us during March. This is Easter time.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Looking back...

I am exhausted and done. I have so much going on that it is killing me. School, wedding, work, and the "extra" elements that life throws your way have brought me to a breaking point. I should have eloped and had a big party afterwards. Seriously. Go to Hawaii, get sealed in the temple there, have a honeymoon, then come back and have a big party with all the family and friends. Much easier. Much more relaxing. I wish I had seriously thought of it and pushed for it at the beginning of the engagement.

But I am excited to see all the out of town family and friends. It's been way too long.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


I tried my wedding dress on today to check the alterations, and the person who had done them advised me that I needed bigger boobs. The dress has a slight pucker in front and it would be easier to enhance my cup size than try and take in the bodice. I always thought I was fairly well blessed in the bosom department, certainly not approaching Patty's standards, but still fairly well off.

I guess I was wrong.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's never too early...

There is a week of storms and rain due in the Bay Area, and the forecast shows it going until the middle of next week. This is worrisome to me as the wedding day is approaching, and I really want it to be nice for us at the temple. And selfishly, the whole day. It might be a little selfish, but I'm praying for a nice day on March 27, 2010. And if you could please add it to your prayers, that would be much appreciated. After all, you will be standing there to take photos too. : )

Who says chivalry is dead?

Just when you think chivalry is dead, someone appears to change your mind. Running to class in yesterday's torrential downpour, I was approaching the building and a guy walking out stayed to hold the door open for me as I ran up the stairs. He didn't have an umbrella, hat, or hood, but stood in the rain so I didn't have to break my mad dash to a dry environment.

Thank you random stranger, for keeping the chivalry dream alive.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Old enough to be my father, part whatever

I had a few experiences in Long Beach with getting hit on and asked out by guys old enough to be my father. I wondered if I had a sign attached to my head that said "Daddy Issues." It was a rare, if ever, occurrence to be hit on by a guy my own age.

But it happened again. I was on the phone with a gentleman who I assume is old enough to at least be my father, even my grandfather, given the tone/sound of his voice. I was fighting a cold, so I had a slight smokers rasp going. But this guy decided that I had a nice voice, which could mean that I am a nice person. And he asked me "are you single because I'm single, do you want to go on a date? You sound like a nice person. You have a nice voice" all in a rush. I promptly replied that I was engaged to be married at the end of the month, but thank you for the thought. I am very happy to be engaged and getting married soon, but for the sake of vanity, why couldn't it have been someone just a wee bit closer to my own age?