Monday, June 24, 2013

lake tahoe

this past week, we embarked on a camping trip to lake tahoe with the entire athey clan.  it began with good intentions, but, when even kevin calls a camping trip "hell week," you know all isn't well in nature-land.  tahoe was gorgeous, we went on some pretty great tours of a couple historic houses (ehrman mansion and vikingsholm), and had a delightful time around the campfire.  the days were nice, but the nights.  oh, the nights were horrid.  freezing temperatures and lily could not sleep unless one of us was holding her.  needless to say, we did not sleep.  at all.  it was a horrible thing.  in addition, lily got sick from her cousin.  again.  by thursday night, we were done and packed it in a day early.  we are not camping again until lily is five.  still, some good times were had.

(i'd post some photos of our adventures and such, but they were all mysteriously deleted when i tried to upload them to the computer.  i am super bummed about that fact.  i had some good ones.)

1 comment:

Jen said...

It wasn't all that bad. It was definitely cold and none of us were entirely prepared for that, but it was still fun. When you have a baby in a pack and play while camping they just aren't going to sleep; even when it's super warm out it's just too cold in a pack and play because of all the air flow underneath. We've done camping with little kids enough. You just have to scale down a bit. You can't camp like you would with adults or teenagers. KISS - Keep It Super Simple. That's my camping motto. We finally managed to keep it simple enough this year and we had a blast!