Sunday, June 2, 2013

the lily chronicles

lily had her nine-month well-check a month ago.  i know, i know, i'm behind in updating her growth for your information and my own little family blog history (but at least i'm getting it on here before she officially turns 10 months.  it's the little things.).  but without further ado, i present the growth of miss lily marie!

weight: 19 lbs, 14 oz (75th percentile)
height: 2'5" or 29" (92nd percentile)
head circumference: 17.52" (68th percentile)

in other milestones, lily is full on walking (she rarely crawls at all), waves, says "doggy," "hey," and "hi," has four teeth cutting in, and puts herself to bed.  she fusses, rubs her eyes, and walks over to us, so i pick her up and lay her in her crib.  she then just lays there holding her stuffed lamb until she falls asleep.  it's marvelous.

lily is becoming an independent baby instead of a lay-there-lump-of-infant, and it is (usually) fun to watch.  maggie, however, would disagree.

1 comment:

Mal said...

Madie was the same way with nap times. We would get home from the park or something and she'd eat lunch, then she'd say, "Can I please go to sleep?" It was like I was torturing her. Haha!