Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Kevin woke up with what he thought was a sore back, but by the time he got to work, it was intense pain radiating from his back and down the front.  His internet research led him to conclude it was either appendicitis or kidney stones.  I went with kidney stones.  He wound up getting an early-ish appt. at the doctor's office in Walnut Creek, so up we traveled for a day spent bouncing between different departments.  The doctor agreed with the kidney stone diagnosis (who needs medical school and professionals when you have the internet to diagnose everything for you?), gave him some good drugs to manage the pain and wished him luck.  So, now Kevin is drugged and desperately drinking copious amounts of water in order to allow this situation to pass.  Literally.  

On a personal note, I can't help but love the irony that, with 2 1/2 weeks left before the baby's due date, Kevin is struck with the malady that some say is the closest a man will ever know to labor.  Really, the timing could not be more appropriate.  I can giggle and be sympathetic at the same time.  


Mal said...

The closest they will ever come, and yet they will still be so, so far off. Good luck, Kevin! Even if it is kind of a pathetic pain to cry about. ;)

Jen said...

Yes that is quite ironic! Now you will both know what it feels like! LOL!