Saturday, July 28, 2012

The end is in sight!

Today is the official due date for the kid (no indicators that anything is happening--sadly), and last week the doctor told us it could happen anytime and it is just "wait and see."  I may have pushed her to give us a date that would end the "wait and see" period, because, honestly, I just need to know when this will be done.  So, if nothing happens before August 7, that is when we are heading to the hospital to be induced (after we call at 6:30 am to find out if they have room and when we can come in.  I think they should just have a bed ready for me, because I am willing to be at their front door by 6:30 am).  I pushed for sooner, but no one listened to me.  Meanies.  Whatever.  At least I have an end date and can mark off the days for that.  Lets just hope things happen sooner than that.  


Julia said...

I'm so excited for you Shaine. I hope that you don't have to wait too much longer!

Jen said...

I was rooting for Jeff's birthday but since that has passed (darn it) I hope it's tomorrow. Barring that, Benjamin's birthday is a good day ;) but I won't wish that much longer on you. That's totally not fair. It's really too bad that they didn't stick with your LMP date... they really should have because then they would have induced you almost two weeks ago. Next time you should throw a fit until they give you your due date based on your LMP so that you don't have to wait so long... Not that it will work with the darn doctors but it's worth a shot. ;)