Monday, June 4, 2012

A few changes...

It is with some sadness that I report that I only have three pairs of shoes that fit me right now; a pair of tennis shoes, my flip-flops, and some open-back sandals (they are, however, pretty and kind of sparkly). My high-heels hurt my legs and my feet are too swollen for all my flats.  It is kind of devastating.  In addition, I am only able to put my rings on and take them off during certain parts of the day.  If I don't put them on early enough in the morning, my fingers have already swollen too much to get them on.  I can't take them off without liberal helpings of soap and cold water until around 10:30 or 11 pm when it cools down a little and my sausage fingers go back to a somewhat normal size.  I am pondering just giving up wearing the rings altogether, but then I think my hands look weird without them.  Hopefully everything goes back to normal after birth, because I'd hate to get my rings re-sized and have to start over on my shoe collection.  It took me a long time to build that up, and I really do enjoy all my shoe options.     


Mal said...

That stinks! I had a friend who kept her rings around her neck until she had the baby. Your hands should go back, but there are a lot of women whose feet don't just swell during pregnancy but actually grow.

Shalmeno said...

You should take your rings off. You can wear them on a necklace or put them somewhere else safe, but (at least down here) they told me it would be best if I removed them before I got to the hospital. Better to be safe than sorry!!

Julie and Mark said...

I hear ya! I haven't been able to wear my rings for awhile, and it's nothing but flip flops right now. I'm sure your fingers will go back to normal with time after you have your baby girl, and hopefully your feet, too. :)

Jen said...

No worries, it will all go back to normal. A week or so after the baby is born, everything should fit again. In the meantime, you could wear your rings around a chain - especially since the summer is only going to get hotter which means your fingers will get more swollen. And drink lots and lots of water! Water will help keep the swelling to a minimum.