Saturday, June 9, 2012

Early Training

I am 32 years old, have graduated with a Master's degree and done some post-grad work, held down a full-time job since I was 23 (part-time before that), and lived on my own for a number of years.  I tell you this because I am an adult; have been one and considered one for years.  But I still go into grocery stores and, if I'm not pushing the cart, am hanging on to its side, because that is what the rule was when we went grocery shopping with Mom and/or Dad when we (my brothers and I) were little.  When I go into an art gallery, museum, or a store with A LOT of breakables (like an antique store), I still automatically fold my arms or put my hands in my pockets.  That was the rule when we went into stores like that when I was little.  It's an automatic habit; a sort of subliminal message left over from childhood that has entered into my subconscious when I am in those places.  I let go of the cart, and I gesture towards artwork or pick up breakables to get a closer look at them, but my first instinct and almost constant habit is to fall back on my early childhood training.  

It will be interesting to see what habits this kid picks up and takes with her to the future, subconsciously. 

1 comment:

Jen said...

I wish I could get my boys to follow that rule! They are supposed to hold on to the cart in the store. But they don't make it more than 1 minute like that. I spend the whole time yelling at them to grab on to the cart and stop running up the aisles and stop hitting their brother and get on opposite sides of the cart and stop dragging on the cart... You get the idea. And then I try really hard not to lose it in front of all the people and employees in the store. Shopping is not pleasant for any of us!