Friday, June 15, 2012


With this pregnancy, I have experienced some random cravings.  It started with red meat.  I like red meat; always have and (hopefully) always will.  It was a random thing for me to eat, though.  I didn't have it too terribly often.  But then I got pregnant and I NEEDED it every other day.  I probably ate more steak in one month than I do in an entire year.  I'm sure my arteries were thrilled.  Then it was In N' Out.  It is fine as a fast food place.  I don't eat fast food very often, and I'm not someone who thinks In N' Out is the most fantastic hamburger on the face of this planet.  I can take them or leave them.  But it became something I had to have on a weekly basis.  Sometimes twice a week.  And no other hamburger or hamburger joint would do.  It had to be In N' Out.  Again, weird for me.  But that craving went away and now I'm left with a desire for sweets.  I want ice cream for dinner (I partially attribute this to the heat of summer) and bake a ton more than I used to.  Although it has given me an excuse to try some recipes I've had on the back burner for awhile.  

I'm going to be happy to go back to my regularly scheduled program of eating.  I'm not a picky eater and am not really a fan of only wanting these specific foods.  I'm ready to be able to branch out again and be flexible in what's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

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