Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

This past weekend Kevin, Maggie, and I headed to the Beach House for the annual Davis Family Reunion (and Robb and Vanessa joined in as well.  We've adopted them into the clan).  There was lots of laziness, laughter, and talking.  It was definitely a much needed break.  It is good to get away from home and do absolutely nothing.  The fireworks were professionally illegal, and it was a consisten 75* all weekend.  Lovely.  Maggie was very happy to have all those people adore her, but was a little scared of the fireworks.  When we came back to the house from the beach, we found Maggie under the bed in my aunt and uncle's room.  She didn't yip or bark, or totally flip out, but she did snuggle up to my Dad and just tremble extremely violently.  Later she climbed up in bed with Kevin and I, curled up, and did not move the entire night.  She was wiped out from the noise.

I love the extended family.  I love how much fun we have together, and hearing the stories they tell when we're together.  And hanging out at the Beach House is never a bad time.

On a more patriotic note, I have several family members who have served and are currently serving in the military.  I am grateful for the freedom of my country and the foundations it was built upon.  There are a lot of problems with the USA, but at its bones, we are are a wonderfully fortunate people to be able to call ourselves Americans.  God Bless the United States of America.

Recuperating from the fireworks

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