Thursday, June 30, 2011

What would you take?

I have been intrigued by this blog lately.  It is basically a photo of the things a person would grab on their way out the door if their house was burning.  Things they like, sentimental things, irreplaceable valuables (valuable for one reason or another).  I go through this blog and look at what someone would think to grab.  What they would reach for and why.  Some things I understand, other items I just roll my eyes.  But I've been thinking.  What would I take?  What is so important to me, and so irreplaceable, that I would grab it from my house?  I am a collector.  I like stuff, specifically my stuff.  Things I've gathered from around the world and have sentimental value for one reason or another.  Then there are the practical items; things I should definitely have just to survive.  Most of my family is in the greater Los Angeles area.  At one time or another, all have faced the wildfires that raged and had to have things packed and ready to go, just in case they had to evacuate.  I never asked, but I did wonder, what did they grab? What was important to them?

What is important to you?  What would you take?


Shalmeno said...

Well, this is boring, but essential and - for me - currently not even in existence: the binder of important documents. I have a friend who gave me a template about two months ago; now I've just got to get 'er done.

(In case anyone is interested, the Table of Contents includes: all kinds of important addresses and emergency contact info., medical information, automobile information, church records, education info., employment info., estate planning, family info., financial info., geneology info., home info., insurance, photos, and emergency preparedness.)

Michelle said...

well, documents are nice but you can always go get more, and I would probably grab my binder of important docs that's next to the door... but really and really truly after having joshua I am a little more paranoid that I can't grab BOTH kids. Obviously before I would be able to just grab Robert easy, but two is more difficult to think about. So I don't really care what I need or should have so long as I can save my children.

Jen said...

I'm with Michelle... my kids. I've got three to grab. I'd probably grab my purse and maybe the diaper bag if it's right next to the purse. My keys on the way out the door. If Jeff was with me, I'd make sure that he grabbed our computers and hard drives, the binder of important documents (birth certificates, socials, etc.) and the camera backpack. But if it was just me, I'd grab my purse/diaper bag and the keys, dump the kids in the car, (if the fire is in the house I'd buckle them up AFTER we drove down the street first), and get out. Since the car is in the garage, if it was a big emergency, I'd grab the 72 hour kit that is in the garage and throw it in too. And as long as the house itself isn't burning, I'd go back in for the computers, etc.