Sunday, January 29, 2012

An evening of therapy

My brother-in-law and sister-in-law (Dan and Jackie) came down yesterday.  Jackie and I have LONG planned to get together for dinner and random fun and Dan came to play with Kevin.  Oh, it was an evening I had been looking forward to and desperately needed after so much crap that had gone around at work and in life.  It was an evening the doctor ordered and it did me a world of good.  We had retail therapy, Cheesecake Factory therapy, some more retail therapy, and then went home and had even more venting therapy.  As you can tell, it was a fairly therapeutic evening for all involved.  

While Jackie and I had a fairly involved evening, Kevin and Dan just went to a shooting range and shot a bunch of guns and bullets.  Guys are so low-maintenance when it comes to their therapy.   


Mal said...

Shooting guns sounds very therapeutic to me right now.

Glad you had a chance to waste money and time! They're honestly some of my favorite things to do!

jackie and dan. said...

I just saw this and feel so honored to have scored a blog post! So glad that I had the chance to come and have some much loved "Shaine Time" and can't wait til we do it again :)