Monday, January 16, 2012

Apple University!

Grandma got an iPad for Christmas from my aunt and uncle, so Kevin and I went up this past weekend to show her how to work it and get everything set up for her.  Well, lets be real.  Kevin set everything up and showed her how to work it.  He was very patient with Grandma.  Grandma is getting the hang of FaceTime and loves Angry Birds.  She decided she needed a stylus because the whole touch thing wasn't working for her.  But she just kept remarking how wonderful the iPad is and what a wonderful invention it is.  She loves her new toy and is having fun with it.

It made me think, Grandma was born in 1927.  She has seen amazing inventions and progress over the last 85 years.  She went from TV not existing, never mind computers, to holding a tablet in her hand and using FaceTime to talk to her daughter and son-in-law in Hawaii.  Technology is a wondrous thing.

 Listening intently to the tutor.
 Showing Grandma how it's done.


Carrie said...

I love that you are teaching you GMa technology.

Jen said...

That's awesome! She's WAY better than my in-laws! They have to be told every few months what our blog address is and how to access it (WHAT?) and we do that thing for THEIR benefit. They can't figure out their webcam to talk to the grandkids. They basically only use a computer for word processing and solitaire. They claim they can't figure it out. And they were born in 1943 and 1948 respectively. I think it's neat that your grandma is willing and excited to learn! That FaceTime will come in handy when her great-grandbaby is born!