Saturday, November 14, 2009

A New Skill

I mentioned the other night that I needed to get my oil changed, so Kevin offered to do it for me. I was ridiculously excited by that and wanted to learn how, as well. So I went over to his house, borrowed some coveralls, jacked up my car and got to work. I feel very self-empowered and am still ridiculously pleased with myself for that little accomplishment. It was surprisingly easy (and I thought I looked pretty cute in the coveralls). I think I am going to learn how to change a tire next. I have the feeling Kevin and some other people are a little appalled that I don't know how to do that. But hey, that is why I have AAA. Thanks, Babe, for the help and the life skill!

Rockin' the coveralls. It is important to have
the right outfit for every occasion.
Becoming one with the underside of my car. I really did do
a lot of the work--and learned a valuable life skill.
Kevin made sure I did it correctly.


Jen said...

You didn't know how to do that before now? *tsk* *tsk* Your dad and brothers fell down on their job a bit hmmm? LOL!

Shalmeno said...

I must disagree! With a dad and several brothers, who needs to learn how to change oil, or mow the lawn, etc.? (Okay, I actually learned to change my oil quite a while ago and miss being able to do it myself - what a feeling of accomplishment!) :-)