Monday, November 16, 2009

A Girl Can Hope...

Katy (aka Terry) and I were hanging out at the Athey house the other night (where Kathi so nicely fed us...much thanks for that!). After dinner we saw a sight that will hopefully continue long years down the road. I REALLY hope Kevin is still helping with chores after we're married.


Jen said...

Don't worry... He will! He's got the motivation. Plus he's just a sweetie like that. (But don't tell him his sister said that!) Did he tell you that he got flowers for me? I've got the best big brother! And you've got a real winner! (Though I can't say he's going to be the best husband since mine has already claimed that title... LOL!)

Garbett Family said...

Just train 'em while they are young... :) The big question is: does he put the seat down? I even have my one year old trained to do that!

Shalmeno said...

Happy, happy day. It's SO nice to have help. :-)

Katy said...

But Shaine, you didn't disclaimer that Kathi said it was a test of our relationships. I think it scared them into doing the dishes. ROFL!