Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Classics

There has been some debate between myself and another person (ahem...Kevin), regarding some classic movies. I contend that the Wizard of Oz, Singing in the Rain, and Footloose, are just a few movies that are classics for a variety of reasons. To watch them is to have an understanding of so many cultural references, not to mention the fact that they are just really great movies. I can agree that Star Wars (at least the three made first) are incredibly good movies. I like them, and grew up watching them. I even cried during Return of the Jedi when the little Ewok was killed in the battle towards the end (I was 7, and had become emotionally attached to them during the movie Ewoks and the Battle for Endor). But to ignore movies because they are musicals is just crimminal. So, I have decided that Kevin needs to see some of these movies (if he can introduce me to sci-fi stuff, then I can bring a little old school musical into his life). So, in order to help with my mission, I have included a little poll off to the side. Which classic do you think we should start off with?

1 comment:

Shalmeno said...

He's never seen ANY of these? Heathen!