Saturday, May 5, 2012


If nothing else, this period of unemployment has given me an opportunity to learn some new things.  I've become a little more familiar with sewing and yesterday learned how to make strawberry jam AND bread, neither of which I've ever made before.  I don't think it's going to be something I do on a regular basis, but knowledge is knowledge and I'm all for learning new things.

 Amy learned to jam along with me.
 Simmering strawberries smelled so good (how do you like the alliteration?)
 Our fearless leader, Bethany; she gave birth to baby #3 ONE WEEK ago.  Doesn't she look great?
 Almost done!
 The finished product.  So pretty!
 Next tutorial: BREAD!  It's rising.

The finished product.  So tasty!

1 comment:

Jen said...

So fun! I love making jam and bread! It make me feel so productive and womanly. Good for you learning those things!