Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Maggie concerns

By now you all know how I feel about Maggie. I'm kind of obsessed with my little ball of fluff and she's a member of our little family. I worry about Maggie and the baby getting along, about Maggie feeling displaced by the newest member of our household. Maggie is a dog with feelings and personality and I really don't want her to feel rejected and displaced because of the kid.

I'm lobbying for Kevin to bring Maggie along when the baby and I come home from the hospital, but thus far he is refusing. I have honestly been doing some Internet research on making introducing the baby to Maggie as seamless as possible.

I realize I'm being slightly ridiculous about the situation, but I do worry about it.

I'm glad the kid gets to grow up with a dog and be comfortable around them. My brothers and I all had that opportunity and it was a great one. Hopefully Maggie learns to love the kid and gets used to her. Because there are not a lot of options.

Maggie the Wonder Pup

1 comment:

Jen said...

Don't worry about it. It's a lot less complicated than introducing a new sibling to the previous kids. Maggie's feelings of displacement won't last. And they won't exist at all if you don't make a big deal about it. If you just think of this baby as the most wonderful thing in the world and that everybody is loved and wanted and it's "our" baby then it won't be a big deal and Maggie won't feel displaced or rejected and neither will the baby. If you spend all your time worrying about it then both Maggie and the baby will feel rejected and will harbor resentment toward the other. And you will go crazy trying to make them both feel loved and trying to spread it out fairly. Fair isn't possible in real life. You will love this baby in a completely different way then you love Maggie and that's normal and okay - just like you love child #1 in a completely different way than child #2. Neither is more or less, just different. So accept it and move on (easier said than done but totally doable). At least, that method works with multiple children. So it should hold just as true between child and dog.