Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dueling Doctors

I seem to have two OBGYN's for this pregnancy process.  My regular doc has called out sick a few times and those appointments were transferred to a substitute doctor.  As you may recall, the substitute said we would be due at the beginning of July (around the 5th).  She conferred with my regular OBGYN, who says that our official due date is July 28th.  The substitute sent me an email letting me know the results, and said "it will be interesting to find out when this baby comes."  There is apparently a difference of opinion on the matter.  So we went in for a formal utlrasound this afternoon, and the results are in: The opinion of the ultrasound tech lines up with that of the regular OBGYN and it looks like we'll be having this kid towards the end of July.  Not the stunningly convenient time frame I had worked out in my head (the beginning of July was just better for so many reasons), but at least I have a time-frame and can plan around that.  It feels good to have it narrowed down, finally.

1 comment:

Mal said...

It's nice to have it narrowed down too because to think it's earlier and have it be later is the purest torture Satan could conceive.