Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Baby Shower Fun

My baby shower was on Saturday and it was amazing.  The fabulous Vanessa Thurmond, Mallory Watkins, and Stefeni Butterworth joined forces and created a pink fantasyland for me.  I loved it, and was overwhelmed by the love from the ladies in the ward and my friends.  I had to call Kevin to come haul the loot home in the Jeep since I did not have room in my car.  The kid definitely has a fan base in place when she arrives.  It was such a fun evening, and I definitely enjoyed spending a girls weekend with my mom.  She had saved a few of my dresses, a couple of blankets, and my first stuffed animal from my baby days and brought them down to me.  It was cool to go through that stuff.  But thanks to my fabulous friends for such a wonderful evening; it was one to remember!

 Maggie cuddles with my first stuffed animal.  My dad gave it to me the day I was born.
 There was a hair accessory-making station set up at the shower.
 Baby photos of Kevin and myself were displayed.
A few of my girls; Amy, Vanessa, Lisa II, Lisa, and "The Real" Katy Perry. :-)

1 comment:

Julie and Mark said...

That's so exciting! Congratulations! It looks like our babies are due just a couple of days apart. I'm due on July 6. Good luck with everything! :)