Sunday, May 15, 2011


Today's lesson in Relief Society was all about talents.  The usual suspects came out; music, art, sewing, etc.  These are the talents that usually get thrown into the mix.  I generally acknowledge myself to have no discernable talent.  I'm not musical, I'm not artistic, and I really don't sew (I dabble, is more like it).  So, when they were discussing talents, and the various attributes that people in the ward have, I had to think long and hard about what my talents were.  They are not necessarily apparent to the naked eye.  Here is the conclusion I came to; my talent is friendship.  Just to take a moment and blow my own horn, I am a pretty good friend (I think).  Whenever someone in my circle needs something, I tend to be there.  I am fairly social and like to get people together and perpetuate some bonding.  So, it might not be big or grand or noticeable, but there it is.  My talent is friendship and socializing.  It is somewhat useful, since I moved around a lot, and now I'm using it to establish myself in my new-ish ward.  I have a talent.  Yea!

I think most everyone has this conundrum.  They don't know what their talents might be, or think they don't have any.  But we all have something, no matter how small and seemingly insignificant.  What do you think your talents are?  


Mal said...

Uh, I hate to burst your no-talent bubble, Shaine, but you do have a discernible talent and it goes right in hand with your friendship talent: you are a pretty good party planner and you don't even try.

Wendy said...

Friendship is one of your talents for sure.

Shalmeno said...

Funny - we just talked about this in school today because our reading unit is about talents. I would say some of your various talents include:
- friendship/sociability (this most definitely IS a talent, which some of us [ahem] don't possess)
- giving top quality hugs
- being an excellent listener
- being open/flexible...ADVENTUROUS!
- humor (ahem, Maggie's fan page, anyone?)
- communication (phone, text, Skype, e-mail, blogs, etc.)
- keeping in touch with people (again, not something that comes naturally to all of us)
- an artistic eye (I'm sure you inherited this from your fabulous parents)
- baking
- sharing
- missionary work
- finding fabulous people to share your life (friends, husband, dog, ROOMMATES, etc.)

And I could go on, but it's just going to make it all the more difficult for me to wait until Wednesday to see you. :-) Much love from me!!!

Jen said...

I agree with the party planner comment. You are a FABULOUS party planner! And that definitely takes talent. I've been to some parties that just well... turns out I would've rather not been there. And it's because they just didn't plan well. But you are definitely good at it! You are also good at decorating. Me, not so much. Well, I could be I suppose if I knew where to go and look. I've got great ideas I think. So I guess that's another talent you have. You can pick up great decoration pieces and you don't have to spend a fortune. That's definitely a talent! Plus you are a good cook. Trust me, that's a talent. One that many people I've met just don't possess. So you see? You do have talents! Lots of them!

Katy said...

Being snarky is my talent. That, and getting fat and old alone. Yup.