Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mother's Day, Grandma!

Mother's Day is approaching, and that makes me think about the important women in my life; my Mom and my Grandma.  

I've only ever known my Grandma.  My other grandparents passed away long before I was born.  The boys and I used to spend Friday or Saturday nights with Grandma.  We would have slumber parties at her house while Mom and Dad went on a date.  Grandma always had the best treats to give us; banana chips, popsicles, and every once in a while, some ice cream.  I would spend time at her house in the summer, visit for weekends when I lived in Sacramento, and she was always at our house for Christmas.  For a little while this past Christmas, we thought we would lose Grandma pretty quickly.  Everything turned out to be okay, and Grandma is sticking around for a good long time.

My grandfather died of a heart attack when my Dad was only seven and my aunt was three.  She was a single mother all of a sudden, with two kids to raise on her own.  She figured it out and my Dad is a pretty amazing guy because of it.  

But there are some ways in which I like to think I take after my Grandma.  She is pretty girly; I have a love of make-up, nail polish, clothes and shoes.  So does my Grandma.  She traveled all across United States, and has had some pretty big adventures.  I bet I am the only one who can say that my Grandma was a race car driver.  : )

So, Happy Mother's Day, Grandma.  I am so grateful that you are in my life and I love you lots.  Thanks for being my Grandma.

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