Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So, here I am in San Jose (Pleasanton, to be exact) and things are going along just swimmingly. I went to the gym the other day to get myself back into the routine, and guess who found me there? Tiffiny Livermore. Apparently, she lives about 15 minutes or so from me. A former LBC member and roommate of the grand Bostonian Manor, and I run into her in my new neck of the woods. It was a very pleasant surprise.

Now, to the news you have all been waiting for...SJSU is a beautiful campus. I had new student orientation for the program tonight, and it was great. I'm super excited for this new chapter in my life and can tell that I am going to enjoy the additional training and education in this field. I can't wait to get back out into the wider "grown-up" workforce once I've graduated and can make real money again. This whole altering of circumstances is for the birds. I will send out an email with my new address for you all (just in case anyone wants to send a little love note...) but for now, you will have to be content that I am enjoying my new area and my new ward...but I miss my friends in the various parts of the country--SoCal and parts further away.

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