Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Getting to know you...

As I am preparing for the next big move, I think about the new social situations I will be thrust into, both in church and in my program. I can be pretty awkward socially sometimes and become shy and tongue-tied, not knowing what to say (I know, I know, hard to believe, but there it is). So I ask you guys, what are some good questions to ask to break the ice and get the conversational ball rolling? From the mundane to the wacky, I invite any and all comments and suggestions. I hate looking like an awkward teenager or social misfit. But I usually feel that way when I am flying solo in a new situation. I need a wing-man/woman! Who wants to come to SJ to be my partner in crime? If you can't come here, at least impart your social and verbal words of wisdom!


Julia said...

People love to talk about themselves. You just get them started, and most people will take over from there. Ask them where they grew up, how many siblings they have, what their living situation is, that sort of thing. Somewhere in there you can usually find a launching off point for follow-up questions.

Shalmeno said...

I asked Ryan and Shawn for good conversation starters when I was talking to Robb on the phone for hours at a time and needed new material. Here's my favorite:

What can you do with a marshmallow?

Yes, totally random, but we had a great conversation based off this question! :-)

Meredith said...

I whole heartedly agree with Julie. I know I love to talk about myself:) Another approach with meeting girls is to compliment something about their appearance hair, shoes, ect. Ask them where they get their hair done, purchased the shoes whatever and explain that you are new to the area and need their expert opinion. (Everybody loves to be the expert.)

Garbett Family said...

I agree. Allow girls to be the expert and show you around. (Like you showed me the ropes in Sacramento!) And--gather a group of good girlfriends around you. You never know when one of them may have a cute single brother! :)