Thursday, November 20, 2008


I've been reading the different articles that people have been writing since Prop 8 passed, about why the LDS church deserves to be persecuted because of their role in the campaign and such. I was looking around on-line and found this clip, showing the demonstrators and picketers outside the LA and Oakland temples, and the various signs and slogans they are employing. I have to say, this hurts my heart. It makes me want to be in LA right now so that I can go to the temple and do a session a day or something. I got to thinking that what we are facing right now in California is, in a sense, what the early Saints faced with prosecutions and mobbing out in Missouri and such--more 2008 than 1830s, but still. We may not be burned out of our homes, or physically harmed, but we are being persecuted for our belief's and our rights. I wish my heart was not so heavy, and that I felt better about the state of my state.

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