Monday, January 14, 2013


This might be interesting to only a few of you, so I understand completely if you choose not to watch it.  It's Lily (obviously) talking to herself and learning her voice.  It's kind of cute.  But really, no pressure to watch.  :-)


Lisa said...

Oh my...that's just adorable! I miss that child! And I miss my Shaine time!

Mal said...

First of all, we know it's up to us if we watch, so don't you worry about that--I've skipped over plenty a friend's children's videos.

Second, how cute! I love this age. (I know everyone says that, but you can see why!) I love how it started with a little squeak, then a bigger one followed by lots of excitement, like, "Woah! I can talk!" Hahahaha!

When I started it, Finnegan stopped nursing and was just staring up at the ceiling. Then he finally figured out where the sound was coming from and sat up to finish watching it with me. It was cute.

Carrie said...

You had me for 60 seconds...well played :)I look forward to talking with her over skype...and you too - love!

Jen said...

That is so dang cute! I love this age! Elizabeth is just starting to try her voice once in a while. Mostly when she is displeased. She has begun doing that talk-cry. I love it when they begin to discover their voice!