Sunday, January 6, 2013

Molly Mormon

I've done it.  I've become that Mormon lady who buys the buckets and then puts Costco-sized dry goods in them.  Currently, I have four 5-gallon buckets sitting in the garage; two have flour, one has sugar, and the other has brown sugar.  We're getting a fifth 5-gallon bucket for rice.  And these buckets don't just sit there.  Oh, no.  They are opened and used, refilling the flour, sugar, brown sugar and (soon) rice containers sitting in the kitchen cupboards.  I have hit the point where we go through these products faster than we used to.  Some having to do with the holidays and how much baking was being done for gifts and such, but mostly the flour because I found a super quick and easy bread recipe that goes great with a lot of our dinners.  So that is where most of the flour goes.  I have become the stereotype, and while I'm not really loving it, my practical side just will not let me routinely have these items on the grocery list when I can buy them once every few months or so.  But still!  I'm a stereotype.  Gah!


Anonymous said...

You're not a Molly Mormon, you're a prepper!Have you ever seen the show Doomsday Preppers? You should totally check it out! (

Jen said...

No you are not. You really are only a Molly Mormon if you have buckets of wheat and a wheat grinder. (And who wants to go to that trouble?!?) What you are is prepared. You have back up supplies! Now you never have to worry about having no flour when you want to make some killer brownies or some awesome cookies. And you never have to worry that your bread has gone stale or molded because you have an awesome bread recipe and all the flour you need to make it whenever you want. Any baker worth her salt has back up supplies. ;)