Thursday, August 2, 2012

Nothing is comfortable anymore

A while ago, Kevin and I switched cars, which is a true declaration of love from him.  I cannot tell you how many ways Kevin dislikes my car (the Peanut!).  But he offered the switch because sitting in the Jeep was more comfortable for me than my low-to-the-ground compact.  But now, neither is the most comfortable option.  Once I manage to get into the Jeep, it's okay, but climbing in and out of that thing is getting more difficult everyday.  But it is definitely easier going up than climbing down into my car.  And I think with enough time, Kevin might just learn to love the Peanut.

But that is probably wishful thinking.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I totally get that! You're lucky that the worst of the uncomfortableness set in at the end. When I was pregnant with Benjamin, it started at the beginning for me! He just seemed to sit wrong the entire time! By the time I got to about 25 weeks, my hips hurt so bad I couldn't sleep. I was so frustrated! Just keeping swimming... just keep swimming... You've got 4 days tops now. You can do it!

And you sure are right about Kevin and the Peanut. He sure has definite opinions about things (especially cars... weird) and once he's made up his mind he doesn't change it, despite evidence to the contrary. Which I guess is just too bad for him. I like the Peanut, if it's any consolation. :)