Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lily Chronicles

I know I don't have a lot of experience with babies, but based on stories I've heard and things friends have told me, I'm pretty sure I've been blessed with an extremely chill kid.

Lily has taken to sleeping through the night since her second night home. Currently, she goes down at 11 pm and wakes around 5/5:30 am. Kevin and I are continuously knocking on wood in the hopes that this continues.

There hasn't been much fussing; so far only when she's hungry or alone. Proving she is my child, Lily is a social creature and prefers to be where the people are. As long as she's hanging with the group (being held or not) she is content with life.

It's fascinating watching her develop her own little personality. As long as she keeps sleeping like a champ, life will continue to be tolerable.

1 comment:

Kathi Athey said...

You may not know this, but Kevin was pretty chill, too. He woke to eat and then slept pretty much all the time for the first month. AND he loved being with people! :0 Maybe you two are more alike than you know!