Sunday, August 19, 2012

Adventures to Big Basin

A severe case of cabin fever and a desire for cooler weather on my part resulted in us going to Big Basin State Park yesterday with the Thurmonds for a day hike and picnic lunch to Sempervirens Falls (really, it was more like a trickle, but it's August, so I try not to judge).  While it wasn't as cool as I wanted it to be, we nevertheless had a delightful time and Lily and Ren finally got to hang out together.  Robb and Kevin were troopers carrying the babies in the carriers for our 3 mile loop.  Lily was a gem and slept most of the hike.  It was a beautiful day with fabulous company and I can't wait to visit the park again.  It was so nice to be out and about for the whole day.  Good times.

 Kevin and Lily set for a day of adventure.
 Lily's first hike in the woods!
 The men and the babies

 Family photo; Lily was not in a cooperative mood.
 Robb, Ren, and Vanessa
 The "waterfall"
 Not my best angle, but I had a baby two weeks ago, so I figure I get a little slack.  
 Lily's buddy, Ren



Carrie said...

...this makes me all look wonderful and happy - thank you.

Jen said...

Fantastic! It's never too early for a first hike! Be sure to put it in her baby book... Especially that picture of the men with the babies all ready to go. That one is fantastic! I'm glad you got to go to cooler weather!