Monday, December 26, 2011

A little addition to the family next year

For those who haven't heard (and for those that have and just want more gossip, because you can never have enough...), there is an addition to our little family, due in July 2012.  And because Kevin is a camera nut, here is the latest photo:

As you can see, the baby is not much bigger than a jellybean, but seems determined to make it's presence felt.  I have been constantly "car-sick" (low-level nausea) and craving red meat like there is no tomorrow. I think I've eaten more red meat in the last two months than in the last year.  Weird. 

Once we started telling my aunts and uncles, the medication questions started coming.  So, here is the deal.  I started going off my medication (for bipolar disorder) at the end of August, and was completely off by the beginning of September.  It's been hard.  I am running mostly manic, which means my mind feels like a hamster on crack, I've been fairly easily irritable, and I have a VERY hard time falling asleep.  We'll see how the next seven months go.  But as of right now, I really miss my meds and desperately want them back.  I can only imagine the whole thing will get worse as pregnancy hormones continue to raise their ugly heads.  I feel sorry for Kevin, and that he has to deal with it, but he seems to be okay with the whole situation.  We'll see how he feels as this goes on. 

When I started going off meds, we told my parents (they know my whole history and can work with Kevin and the doctor, if need be), and a few friends I hang out with fairly often and know me very well.  My "circle of trust" has been fabulous, keeping an eye on me, checking in, and ready to report to Kevin if I am slipping too far beyond normal (and, poor things, your job is not over yet.  There is still seven (+/-) months to go!). I appreciate the care and support.

We'll be finding out if the jellybean is a girl or a boy around February or March, and we will definitely be sharing that information.  As for a name, we'll be waiting on figuring things out until we find out the gender, and then we will begin working on a list.  Until then, I have a nursery/guest room to rearrange and decorate, color schemes to look at and narrow down (and then choose once the gender has been identified) and some other stuff to work out.  There is a lot to keep me busy in the next several months.  Wish us luck!


Meredith said...

I'm so excited for you!! How can I be helpful long distance?

Jen said...

I'm so excited for you guys! I echo Meredith... how can I be of help long distance? I want to help and be involved so just let me know if you need anything. I will go so far as to drop everything and come running if you need someone. I've done that for Michelle when we lived in Monterey and she was pregnant with Joshua. I'd just leave the kids at Grandma's on the way past. I'm so so excited! You will make a great mom and Kevin will be an awesome dad! I can't wait!

Wendy said...

I'm so excited for you both and I am so proud of you Shaine. Lots of love and support coming your way from so cal. Call anytime.

Sarah said...

Awesome news! Best of luck with everything.

Carrie said...

This is truly fantastic news and I can't wait to meet the little Sha-evin...CHEERS!