Thursday, December 15, 2011

Old Friends

It is always good to see old friends.  I was delighted with a visit from Miss Carrie Fuller yesterday.  She is a friend from the LBC days and is now located in Washington DC.  We spent some time catching up, reliving the old days, and made plans to meet up in Utah when the fabulous Julie Black gets married in May.  It will be a grand time and a wonderful adventure.  I'm contemplating taking the train from here to Utah.  I've never done a long train trip and it seems like it might be interesting.  Has anyone made that trip before?  Any tips, advice, or just random thoughts?


Mal said...

Well, it's got to be better than driving. That is the second-worst drive I've ever made. How depressing. I say take a friend! HEY! I know a friend you could take!!!!

Jen said...

I've made that trip! The only downer is that you arrive in SLC at like 3:30 am. But since you aren't toting kids, it shouldn't matter. Get a sleeper car - it's worth the extra expense. You get free meals and a porter who brings them to you if you want. The observation car is almost always full so if you want a spot to watch going over the mountains, head up there in Sac and snag one as soon as you can. It's great sleeping on the train. Like you are being rocked. I've never slept so well as an adult - neither before nor since. It's really fun and really neat. I highly recommend doing it at least once.