Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Good Day

I like to wish people a good day, tell them to have a good weekend.  That kind of thing. I do it on the phone at work, to the check-out person at the store, the people I interact with when I am out and about.  I like to think it makes their day maybe a little bit cheerier.  So it kind of puzzles me when people, especially those in a good mood, do not return the well-wishes.  Even more so when they do not even acknowledge when I wish them a good day.

What is the big deal?  Why can't you just say "you too" when I say "have a good day?"  Do they just not know how to be polite?  Are they too self-absorbed?  It is not something I dwell on too terribly much.  I just notice it some days more than others.  Today was just one of those days.  Wouldn't this world be a much better place if we all wished each other a good day, back and forth?  Then maybe the world could be a happier place.    

1 comment:

Mal said...

I agree--I like to say it too. That being said, I get flustered on the phone. I actually thought to myself as I hung up, "Dang it! She told me to have a good weekend and I didn't say anything but 'goodbye.' Blast!" But goodbyes on the phone are always awkward for me. Someone ends up saying goodbye at least twice, and sometimes both people just end up making fools of themselves, which means no one is made a fool of because both are foolish--does that make sense. Anyway, enough rambling. I did want to wish you a good trip! And tell you that I am SHOCKED and pleased that you are going camping. :)