Saturday was a Scouting day. Kevin is the scoutmaster in his ward, and this month they are working on the Citizens of the Nation merit badge. Part of the requirements are to tour the State Capital, visit a museum, and visit a place that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Basically, a trip to Sacramento. Since I am the history geek of the group, I was invited to come along. We toured the state capital, learned a little about the state's history, went to Old Sacramento and toured the train museum, then wandered Old Sac for a little bit. With all the great history there, for some reason the boys were VERY desirous of finding a candy store and spending their money there. We found one and I think that is the part of the trip they liked the best. Even better than the In n' Out we had for dinner. It was an exhausting day, but a fun one. I enjoyed myself immensely. But man, sheparding those scouts is exhausting.
So for whatever reason the "I call him Humphrey" made me think of "You may call me.....TIM."
Thank you, Monty Python, for being such an integral part of my life. :-) Glad you had a great time!
How fun! I like the name Humphrey... it suits him!
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