Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Lily Chronicles

Lily is two months old today and, ironically, had her two-month check-up as well.  So here are a few things about Miss Lily to celebrate her eight-week mark.

Her current stats:
*11 lbs, 10 oz
*23 inches long
*Her hair is growing in; a lovely little blond fuzz
*Blue eyes
*She holds her head up
*She is sleeping through the night (down at 9:30 pm, wakes up around 7 am--it's the most amazing thing of my life)
*She doesn't like to lay down; she prefers to sit up and observe the world
*She fusses when we don't pay attention to her
*She coos, smiles, and likes to hold our fingers while she's eating

Lily is growing bigger and developing more and more of a personality.  She's experienced a great many things over the course of her short life.  Mostly day trips and fun outings, but she's gone lots of places and has slept through most of her trips.  But lets be real, the outings are more for me than for her.  The last two months have gone by incredibly quickly, and it seems like she's been part of our family a lot longer than two months.

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