Sunday, October 21, 2012

In the Army

My youngest brother, Ben, has joined the Army.  He has been talking about it and planning for it for a while now.  Last week he had the last physical, signed his contract, and was sworn in.  He reports for duty on January 28, 2013 (three days before his birthday), to Fort Benning, Georgia.  I'm proud of him; proud of him for desiring to serve his country and for working towards the goal and making it.  He didn't give up and did what he needed to do in order to obtain his desired ends.  But I worry about him, too.  I worry about him getting sent to a dangerous place and getting killed.  I worry about him getting taken advantage of because he has a kind heart and believes the best of people.  But he's in the military.  And I'm going support him 100%.  Go, Benny!

Ben (6 months)

Ben (2012)


Carrie said...

My brother-in-law was a drill sargent at Benning. I've been there a couple of times. It will be hard and very rewarding in the end. Props to him and giving to our country!

Shalmeno said...

Now you will have even more interesting stories to share about your brothers. I'll just keep my fingers crossed that they are good (humorous, happy, positive) stories.