Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I have a problem with being perfect. Not that I think I, personally, should be perfect, but that I should be able to do everything I attempt perfectly, on my first try.  Sewing, cooking, crafts, etc.  It doesn't matter what it is, I have a vision in my head and feel that it should come out how I see it, no matter what.  This is impractical for so many reasons.  Logically, I understand this.  Emotionally, I don't.  It's frustrating to not have your vision come out right the first time.  And then I give up, because if it didn't work the first time, no use in trying again.  

I'm trying to get over that mindset.  I've revisited crafts and sewing projects, trying to figure it out and get it somewhat right.  Nobody gets it the first time (except Katy Perry and her sewing projects--darn her), and it always takes some practice.  Master craftsmen are continually perfecting their craft.  As a super novice beginner, I just need to keep practicing at the things I undertake.  It's annoying, because I have a vision in my head, and I'm a perfectionist.  But meltdowns over failure are so unattractive, so I need to put on my practicing hat and just keep trying.  And getting over my perfectionism and keep in mind the vision is a goal to strive for.


Mal said...

Ugh, I totally understand. I used to break down all the time over various things. Now I don't have meltdowns so much as temper tantrums. Those are much more attractive.

Let's get together and sew some day! I'm working on a few projects right now. When do you want to do it?

Lisa said...

I know exactly what you mean! I still say their should be crafty blogs that show the failures and works in progress instead of just the perfect finished product. It would be so much more encouraging...

Jen said...

Yes. I'm EXACTLY the same way. Just ask Jeff about the meltdowns. Especially over meals or baked goods that I expected to come out a certain way, usually for something special for him. He always says he likes them and doesn't see what's wrong with them, but I have a meltdown and then mope around upset about it sometimes for days. I'm getting over it some. But why do you think that the only thing I'm willing to sew is a baby blanket? I KNOW the meltdowns that would happen there and I'm totally not going there!