Saturday, January 9, 2010

Excuses, Excuses

I haven't blogged in forever, and there is really no excuse except my desire to not be "that girl." You know, the girl who only blogs about her wedding, and the preparation for the wedding, and the dress, the flowers, the ideas, etc. Except I think I am becoming that girl with this post. But honestly, that is what my life is kind of consumed by, lately. I have a goal to get as much done before my semester starts up again, so I'm not stressing about the wedding and school. One or the other, that is my mission. I've gotten a lot done, and you will be able to see my finished results in a couple months. Hopefully, that will be a nice end to my lack of blogging. But I will try to play a little bit of catch-up, maybe when I finally get around to downloading my pictures.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Embrace it! It's fun to be "that" girl! And everybody thinks it's cute! You're getting married! That's totally worthy of being all you talk about... It's exciting! (The only people who will get annoyed are people who are bitter and who wants to be friends with them anyway.... Don't mind me, I'm not opinionated or anything :D )