Sunday, December 1, 2013

indoor fun

i found a little play structure/slide someone was selling, and snatched it up for lily (and the animals probably use it when we're not around).  she has been loving it; lots of up and down, over and over and over.  when she slides down, she claps and cheers for herself.  it's pretty cute.  it didn't take long for her to start multi-tasking on her way down the slide--she plays with her phone, drinks her milk, or holds a book.  lily has also discovered the joys of climbing up the slide itself, and has figured out bare feet are best, then shoes, and her footie pajamas don't work at all (but they are fantastic when she's sliding down standing.  seriously, this girl has no fear).  and, because we're such cool parents, we put it in the living room (for now; we'll see where it winds up later), so our days and nights have been filled with sliding fun.  

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