Tuesday, December 31, 2013

christmas scenes

we spent christmas with my parents at the homestead and had a delightful time.  there was a lot of relaxing, tons of sleeping in (lily slept from 6:30 pm to 8:30 am three nights in a row.  it was the most delightful christmas gift ever!!!!), lots of naps (and not just lily's), and some fun adventures.  and then she gave us the best gift of all, and was a gem for the whole car ride home.  seriously, it was the best week i've had in a really, really, long time.
a little iphone bonding with grandpa

this was her favorite pillow.
she kept throwing other pillows on the floor so she could reach it.

climbing on her chair, hoping dinner will come faster.

santa brought her a lily-sized chair.  best. gift. ever. 

she loves the chair.  and mama's shoes.  especially the glittery ones.

a play-date with the daughter of an old friend from elementary/jr. high school.

backyard adventures.  she kept looking for the chickens.

trying to get the chicken.  "chicken?  chicken?"
 followed by knocking on the door.  hilarious.


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