Sunday, August 25, 2013

uss hornet

i found a killer deal for tickets to the uss hornet on groupon, so we took a day and went on a tour.  it's been on our list of things to do for awhile.  it's a huge ship that was part of world war ii, picked up the astronauts who first walked on the moon, and is now a floating museum moored in alameda.  it was pretty interesting, and lily loved running around the lower level of the ship.

the uss hornet

there were "women's restrooms" when the ship was in use.  when the ship would put into port somewhere, they often hosted balls for the men and people from the local area.  

bunks for the enlisted guys

lily's great-grandfather (and kevin's grandfather) slept on one of these in the 1950s.

oh, you know, just hanging around a torpedo.

the laundry room; dryer on the left, washers on the right.

officers had slightly better accommodations. 

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