Monday, August 12, 2013

first birthday party

i do not kid myself that we had a birthday party for lily's benefit; it was purely about me wanting to throw a party and celebrate surviving year one.  but a grand time was had by all and lily was showered with love.  i am a little disappointed that she was so dainty with her cake.  i was hoping for some grand smashing with cake and frosting all over her face and hair.  ah, well.  maybe year two.
my elves putting the finishing touches on the birthday cakes and cupcakes.

lily's smash cake (my mom decorated it to match the plates/decor; it is a level of skill that i do not possess).

ice cream cone cupcakes.  mom made these for our birthdays when i was little.  i loved carrying on the tradition.

seriously, dainty about her eating.

birthday girl in her party outfit!

1 comment:

Garbett Family said...

Darling. You DO know how to dress her well...