Thursday, December 6, 2012


This year Thanksgiving was spent with my family at the Beach House in Aptos.  We lazed around for the entire week and had a very relaxed Thanksgiving holiday.  Lily loved her first trip to the beach, and the Beach House.  The weather could not have been more perfect.  Since the whole family was able to gather together, we had a family photo shoot.  It was our first family photo with Lily and the last one for a long while, since Ben is leaving for Ft. Benning, GA, in January for boot camp.

The whole Klima family

Klima boys--2012
Klima kids--2012
Uncle Jeff and Aunt Kerry
The boys figure out what to do with their new niece.
BYU vs. SJSU.  Kevin and I left Lily with my parents and joined Julie and Justin for a memorable outing. 

Beautiful sunsets

Maggie hearts the beach

Lily figured out she could stand on her own while we were there (while hanging on to something, of course).

Lily met her Uncle Chris

The Thanksgiving flaming pumpkin.  A new tradition, apparently.  


Hunting for our Christmas tree on the way home.

We met Santa!


Carrie said...

It looks like a marvelous time of thanks. :)

Mal said...

Fun time! You look great, by the way, Shaine.