Saturday, November 3, 2012

Bamboozled by the baby

Driving along in the car this afternoon, Lily started fussing from the backseat.  I fixed a bottle and leaned over to put it in her mouth to calm her down a little.  She quieted down right away and so we pulled off the freeway so I could hop in the backseat and feed her.  As soon as I got back there and stuck the bottle back in her mouth, she started smiling and playing.  She wasn't hungry.  The little stinker just wanted some company and someone to pay attention to her.  I was hoodwinked by a three-month old.  Well played, Lily.  Well played.  


Mal said...

Yeah, they're good at that. Of course, it makes up for the times when Finn's fussing and I'm just trying to get something done and I walk by him and he quiets down, then realizes I wasn't going to pick him up, I just needed to go past where he was, and he breaks down again. Hahaha! Poor little tike.

Katy said...

She truly is your child: brilliantly devious.

Jen said...

It's like they come knowing exactly how to work their parents! We are always finding ourselves outsmarted by our little devils! ;)