Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I heart

I love different architectural styles and design elements, but two of my favorites are Art Nouveau and some Art Deco. I heart these two styles. If I could decorate my house with unlimited funds and without input from another party (ahem, Kevin), then I think I would fill it mostly with these two styles. I love the lines, the colors, the attitude found in those elements. One of my favorite buildings of all time is the Chrysler Building in NYC; Art Deco. In Prague, some of my favorite elements on buildings were the Art Nouveau details. I'm a geek, I know, but you all love me despite it. I just love architecture and the little details that make it great and the decor items that come out of it. Love, love, love.


Mal said...

I don't know if it's my favorite or not, but I love art deco too. A lot of it anyway. (Let's be honest, some of it looks like they're trying too hard.) Chrysler building? YES. Old backgrounds for Sesame Street counting songs? Also YES. The Daily Planet from Super Man comics? Also YES. I love all these things.

Anonymous said...

Is it odd that I totally get this? You're so awesome! lol, i wish you could have seen me geeking out when I was working on my senior project last year. Every time I saw an interesting building I would get so excited. high fives to the geeks!