Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Crazy Weekend

This past weekend, we went to Eureka to visit the family. The weekend was fun, relaxing, and thoroughly enjoyable. Maggie behaved herself on the trip up, and mostly while we were in Eureka. Altogether, it was a very delightful time. Then came the trip home. Kevin's car has been known to not start when you insert the key. Something about the wheels locking and the ignition not connecting, etc. etc. I'm not up on car-speak. But we stopped in Santa Rosa to visit Dan, Kevin's brother. We got in the car, and nothing. There was no turning the car on. At 10 PM, Kevin is jacking up the car, trying to manually unlock everything, to no avail. We go back to Dan's apartment, and wait for an hour. Then Kevin tries again. Nothing. 12:30 comes around, and Kevin tries one last time. It is an hour and a half to home, and we both have work the next morning. Nothing. So, we wind up spending the night in Santa Rosa (thanks Dan, for your bed!), call AAA bright and early, get towed to the dealership, where they investigate the car. They tell us it can be fixed, and that they have the part. $416 and a lot of frustration later, we are on our way by 3:30 PM. Only to hit construction and traffic. Just another cherry on the frustration sundae.

But the day was saved by the plans we had made earlier the previous week. Kevin had some guys coming over for games, and I had Vanessa coming up for a trip to Costco (we have a Costco tradition kind of established).

There are some good times, and some good stories. And in some instances, both.

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