Tuesday, June 1, 2010

To Read or Not to Read

When I was seven, I read all the Nancy Drew books. I devoured them, going through one or two books a day. I read and re-read most of them over the years. I had my favorites, and my not-so favorites. They are sitting in a box at my parents house, somewhere. I think waiting for future generations of Nancy Drew lovers to find and devour them as I did. I am getting nostalgic for the books I enjoyed when I was younger. I've re-read some of the stuff from high school, like Cannery Row and To Kill a Mockingbird. Those were some of my favorites. But I can't seem to pick up the Nancy Drew books. I'm almost afraid they won't be as good as my pre-teen mind remembers. I don't want to ruin what are great memories of a series of books by the higher expectations of my now-adult mind. But maybe some things are worth the risk. I might have to see if the library has a copy of the Mystery of the Old Clock.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

If the library doesn't have it, Bay Books in San Ramon will. They've got an impressive Nancy Drew collection. :-)