Thursday, September 3, 2009

Just one of those days...

Today is just one of those days. I've been pretty exhausted and stressed out this whole week. School, wedding, moving, and all other sorts of things have culminated in making me not the best person to be around. And I think it affected the office in which I work, because today all four of us in there are dragging. We all hurt somewhere (head, back, hands, all over...), and we are just not in the best of moods. So that resulted in an emergency trip to Safeway, for donuts, Diet Coke, and peanut butter M&M's. Not the best breakfast you can think of, but entirely necessary to our continued survival of getting through the morning. And the rest of the day. I must say, so far it has worked because we are all a little more chipper and have a bit more energy. So thank goodness for massive amounts of sugar.


Katy said...

I am sorry your day isn't going well, and I feel your pain!

Shalmeno said...

:-( I wanted you to feel BETTER today, not the same (or worse)! At least the magic powers of PB&C...and caffeine...continue unabated.