Thursday, December 25, 2008

It really is the most wonderful time of the year!

You know it's a good Christmas when your whole family is together, everyone is getting along, and, when you open presents, there are many shoes and purses under the tree for you. As part of my Christmas haul, my parents gave me two purses and two pairs of shoes (each of which they saw me lusting after and denying due to budgetary contraints). I am resorting to a mild case of materialism here, because you all know how much I love my shoes and bags, and finding those particular items under the Christmas tree was the best thing ever. I'll try and post pictures later...we had a great time hanging out, watching movies, playing games, and just being.

I hope you all had an equally merry Christmas, and are looking forward to the prospects of the New Year. I am personally excited for 2009 and all the possibilities it affords. So, Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night.


Garbett Family said...

Yeaaaa for you! I got a very cute purse also! :)I really want to see you sometime... We were in Humboldt for two days only, and it was hetic with all the family there.

Shalmeno said...

Shaine, I love you. Happy purse-getting. :-)